Jaxon's 2 now. Time flies and we are already getting questions about when another one is coming. Not anytime soon! We love this stage of independence; well as much as you can enjoy the word, "No," and the phrase, "I do it" or the word "Mine!" Or even the screams of protest when they are removed from a situation. I didn't think fighting amongst siblings would start so young but Jaxon has a mean right hook.
We started off having a curious george party; thus the masks but then we had a pinata that had shrek on it. We also had power Ranger balloons and spiderman candy. We were all over the map with this party but all of those things are Jaxon's favorite. He got a bike, buzz lightyear (which Eli tried to snatch the very second Jaxon opened it), some beautiful cards (thanks Great Grandma, and Grandma), some great phone calls, and lots of candy (his favorite thing). When you ask him "how old are you?," he holds up all five fingers and says "two." We'll work on counting the fingers later. Happy Birthday, Jaxon!

He loves his bike and I think it is because it has a million buttons on it. For a few days that was what we'd hear while napping or doing any other thing. Quiet toys are the goal for Christmas. I wonder if we could pull it off! We'll See!
Happy B-day Jaxon!!!
I can't wait until Jack is 2 and Simon is 4! And bless your heart for caring for those little ones all so close together. Two is hard enough. I taught Simon to say "2" before his second birthday and he was doing great but then around his birthday he started saying he was "1" and he has also been "5" before. Those are all the numbers he knows. But it is always just 1 finger. Hope your load is getting a little lighter as they get older.
Happy [late] Birthday Jaxon!! :D
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