Monday, November 24, 2008
So is anybody else into the Twilight books? I love them and was excited about the movie coming out. I called James asking him if he would like to go see it with me. As much as he loves me he told me no. I made the mistake of trying to read some of it to him and he gagged on the romantic parts. In other words if I was going to go then I would have to find a friend to go with me. I started calling around and found out that down in Cool Springs someone from the Stake had reserved a theatre for 500 people and it was going to be at 10 p.m. but only 6 bucks. I decided that would be fun to do so I called Timber and a couple others and asked if they were going or would like to go with me. Timber was a good sport and came with me. It even snowed a little on the way there. We stood in line for awhile but finally made it in. It was pretty much about 6 of us from Church (married, us old folks) and the rest were teenagers or the majority was teenagers. It was hilarious! Anytime Edward came out they would squeal and cheer. We couldn't help but laugh. It makes you think what things you did as a teenager. Did I act like that? was the question of the night. It was fun. Thanks Ladies for letting me go with you.
Sam's Club
Aubrey and I love to go to Sam's Club. Especially on the weekend when there are a lot of samples. She is the only one that usually gets the privilege of going with me. However, one day after registering the van we went to Sam's with Jaxon as well. As we were walking in Aubrey was already explaining to Jaxon how things work. She then asked him if he wanted "some examples" to eat. She told him "examples are very yummy and you will love them." I didn't have the heart to correct her yet. So now when we go to Sam's we go there for "examples." :)

Jaxon loves to try on new hats and loves his coat so we had to take a picture of him with Aubrey's helmet on backwards.
James is getting Old

The big 29! He has already threatened me to not throw a huge party for next year. We'll see what happens. We celebrated a couple days early. It ended up making the day more relaxing. A party is not a party without pizza! James got some great gifts. He got new speakers for the computer and a new game called "Civilization." He also got a mouse pad with pictures of his kids on it for work. We had ice cream that night but then we had brownies for his real birthday on monday. The kids and I went to his work and decorated his car. Haha We love our James!
pumpkin cookies

We had some friends over for the day. Sarah and Everett Boughton came over while their mom went out for her birthday. We love having visitors and we even tried to make some pumpkin cookies. Aubrey wanted to stir and I usually let her so I handed the bowl to her. She was playing around while she was stirring (showing off is more like it) and ended up dumping the whole bowl onto the carpet. That is why there is a picture of orange carpet. The picture doesn't do it justice. It was ORANGE! I didn't have any carpet cleaner so we were going to walk to target but it started to rain on us. When Bishop Boughton came to pick up his kids he brought his carpet cleaner and cleaned the carpet. It looks much better. Thanks Bishop! I like orange but I wasn't ready to go back to the 70's carpet look.
After Halloween sales
So, we got lucky and made it to some of the Target and Walmart after halloween sales and Aubrey found a pink wig this week and fell in love with it. She even tried to wear it to the mall one day and I was going to let her but then she took it off and said, "I better not wear it, everyone will laugh at me." She says that a lot about her clothing lately if it isn't just right. I don't know where she got it from. She loves to dress up but she also gets tired of new things fast. That's my teenager for you!:)

Jaxon's Birthday

We started off having a curious george party; thus the masks but then we had a pinata that had shrek on it. We also had power Ranger balloons and spiderman candy. We were all over the map with this party but all of those things are Jaxon's favorite. He got a bike, buzz lightyear (which Eli tried to snatch the very second Jaxon opened it), some beautiful cards (thanks Great Grandma, and Grandma), some great phone calls, and lots of candy (his favorite thing). When you ask him "how old are you?," he holds up all five fingers and says "two." We'll work on counting the fingers later. Happy Birthday, Jaxon!
New House
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Carving pumpkins & trunk or treat
The ward had a trunk or treat. We made it a little late because I had to go to a baptism just before and that ran late so I ran home and threw on some pajamas and messed up my makeup and got the kids in the van (James' helped a little bit :) Someone dressed up in a gian teddy bear costume that Eli loved. He loved to push his belly. Another person built a giant transformer costume. It was awesome but I didn't get a picture. Jaxon loves those kinds of toys and calls them "man man" but he was scared of the giant transformer "man, man." The kids then went trunk or treating and we headed for home. James was a good sport and dressed up as a broncos football player because Aubrey was a cheerleader. Jaxon was Pooh and Eli was Tigger. 

Aubrey and I carved the pumpkin. It had bats and a man holding a pumpkin on it. Aubrey loved to get her hands gooey.
To Jaxon, anything that has to do with Halloween is called, "punkin." He loves to say that word and will always growl after he says it. I guess he is trying to scare the scary pumpkins and monsters back.

To Jaxon, anything that has to do with Halloween is called, "punkin." He loves to say that word and will always growl after he says it. I guess he is trying to scare the scary pumpkins and monsters back.
pumpkin farm
We went to a pumpkin farm for one of our Co-op field trips. The kids went on hay rides, to the petting zoo, through a corn maze and jumped in a big box full of corn (that was their favorite). Afterwards they got to pick a pumpkin to bring home. Jaxon loved all the pumpkins and would continually say "punkin" and then grown at it. We had a lot of fun. 

jumping in the corn. I even found corn in diapers and underwear later. It is not as messy as sand so maybe we will fill up a sandbox with corn. Great idea huh!?!

Aubrey's Russian Friend

One of our next door neighbors was Russian. She spoke a few words of English but not much. Her name was Yasmina. Aubrey would try to play with her but then they would get into an argument most of the time and say, "you're not my friend." I think that was one of the first phrases Aubrey taught her; go figure. They still loved to play with each other even though they couldn't communicate. Yasmina even called Aubrey on Halloween because we just moved to a new place. Cute!
Photo op

Well, I tried to be like Aunt Tasha and be a professional photographer. Yeah, it didn't work that well. Aubrey posed beautifully but the boys were all over the place. When I finally got a good picture of Jaxon, half his head was cut off. Eli just glared at me. Oh, well Aubrey looks beautiful and we'll keep trying with the other two. Goofy boys! It was like they hadn't ever been outside. So fun!

A new bunkbed. We got the kids a bunkbed to try to help Aubrey sleep in her room better. Did that work? Of course not. She still comes into our room at night and without making a sound, makes a bed on the floor and goes to sleep there. At least she is not sleeping in our bed. We also got the bunkbed to help Eli sleep in his bed instead of the floor. Did that work? Of course not. We still find him sleeping under the bunkbed with his blanket. Kids!!!!!
Eli's School
Eli started school on August 11th, 2008. He goes to Shayne elementary. He is in their Communication, Behavioral Intervention Program (CBIP- Pre-K). He goes monday-Friday from 8-2p.m. We don't see him much. His bus ride was an hour in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon. Now that we've moved it has switched around to 2 hours in the morning and 35 min. in the afternoon. So much for trying to cut down on his bus time. He loves it though. On his days off he will find his backpack and bring it to me, trying to get me to take him to school. Are we not exciting? He has to wear a uniform everyday which at first I didn't like but it is really easy to figure out what he has to wear. 

His teacher is Miss Carrie. She is amazing. She is always so positive and when I went to his parent-teacher conference she couldn't stop praising him. Eli does well with structure but has a very difficult time with change. She said that he likes to be the line leader (stand in front when they go to the gym). He likes to be the first on the bus and he loves the vice Principal, Mr. Peoples. She even said that Mr. Peoples will come to their classroom almost every afternoon to help Eli to the bus. Cute! He has been sick a lot lately and has had more fits, so hopefully we can get him back to school and back to learning. 
He loves his bus driver Terry and I can't think of the bus monitors name but he just runs to the bus and probably would live there if they'd let him. The first time he got on I started to cry because he looked so tiny going to school.

We dropped him off on the first day. It took us over 45 minutes to find a parking space and to unload the troops. We were late! Doesn't he look handsome?!? One day he was home sick and he put his hand on his chest and said, "I sick." It was so clear that it confused me and almost made me pass out. He also like to walk around saying, "How you doin?" I guess we have a Joey Triviani on our hands (for those who don't know, Joey is on the show "Friends"). I would love to hear more words. That would be great. We're trying and we are even looking into Neuro Modulation Technique which has a lot to do with Chiropractic work. We hope to find something that really will work to help him. Keep him in your prayers.

Summer fun

We enjoyed the pool a ton this summer. Eli loved it! We put a lifejacket on him and he was off on his own. He would come back every once in a while to give us a hug, but he swam all around on his own. Jaxon just liked to run around the pool. Aubrey loved it but is still scared to really brave the water much. I had a hard time visiting some friends that lived over by the pool because if Eli saw the pool we all ended up having a nervous breakdown. It was great to keep cool!
Aubrey's Dance Recital

Aubrey finished dance class at the end of August. I know, I know I need to keep up with this blog. Our pictures weren't working for awhile but now we are back. Her recital was definitely an event to remember. There is a little boy that just loved her and I think she got annoyed with him. He was a cute little boy. She kept glaring at him and telling him no. There was another little girl who Aubrey wanted to be next to the whole time. So anyways, she pushed everyone else out of the way that tried to stand by this other girl. At one point I told her to stop picking her nose and she shouted out, "I am just scratching." Needless to say James and I were pretty embarrassed but Aubrey was just fine. She had a blast and didn't think that anything she did during the recital was wrong. It was fun to see her dance. I just hope next time we won't have to apologize to parents or the teacher and that she will always have that beautiful smile on her face. Hilarious!
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