Here are some pictures from us in Nashville. Jaxon loves to open drawers and climb in them no matter how many times we take him out. He always has a big smile on his face, especially when he is getting in trouble. He loves to play with Aubrey and Eli and they keep him laughing

Eli got a wagon for Christmas (both he and jaxon) and he loves to just go and sit in it. He also got some Lightning McQueen slippers and he carries those around everywhere. If you even try to touch them he starts to yell. Just this last week he started to walk around saying "Do it!" or "Hey." He has been playing with us more. He played ball with me the other day and he has been sharing some of his toys a little bit more. He is doing better everyday and I hope it is because of the diet and the other things we are trying to do for him. He loves to dance to the "Cars" soundtrack by spinning around and around. He also the other day handed me a mask and told me "Mo" which I think meant more because I kept putting it on and taking it off. He didn't like me to take it off so he kept bringing it back to me. funny kid!

Aubrey is so smart and has recently started to try to write her letters. She also walks around saying words and then telling us what they start with. She know most of her alphabet and their sounds. She loves for us to read to her everynight and she still always wants to have someone to play with. Jaxon always follows her around and they have a great time getting into things.

We have spent a lot of time indoors because it has gotten a lot colder. We got a little bit of snow the other day but it melted in a couple of seconds. We can't wait for spring when we can use the new wagon to walk to the park or , as aubrey would like, for us to go to the zoo which is just down the road.
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