Monday, February 4, 2008

Eli's Poem

One day while staying home from church with sick kids I felt like I should try to write a poem about Eli. I wrote this poem for Eli. We are trying to see if my friends Matt and Jamie can help me turn it into a song for him. We will see. Here it is:

Across the Sand
I call out his name but he doesn’t reply.
His eyes are far away, I can’t understand why.
My heart aches for my little one
“Please, Help!” I cry to God’s only Son.

What’s a mother supposed to do?
I know it’s to stand fast in faith and hold true.
But when I watch my child suffer so
In shame, I wonder where did my Savior go.

This special child of mine
With a long journey to take and a nature divine
Looking to God, trying to reach so high
Wanting this Angel in my arms to raise his wings and fly
He’s stronger than I know or can understand
Because Christ is carrying him Across the Sand

God, himself, had to watch his child suffer in pain.
Why can’t I too withstand this rain?
Peace fills my heart as I pray to find a cure
He hears me, I know, the spirit does assure.

Again I call out his name but he doesn’t reply
But wait, he looks, with comprehension in his eye.
The hand of God has reached out to touch
To guide us through the sand and encircle the one I love so much.

This special child of mine
With a long journey to take and a nature divine
Looking to God, and trying to reach so high
I watch my angel spread his wings & fly.
He’s always been stronger than I could understand
Because Christ carried him, for me, across the sand.

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