We went up to Josh and Margene's for conference weekend. They are always party animals. We left Aubrey up there for a week so they would have to come down the next weekend for Easter. As payment for being sneaky they brought Aubrey home with the flu. Which the rest of us, except for James( always the case), would get in the next couple weeks. ( more to come on that later) We had lots of things planned for Easter but it ended up being freezing cold and so we did a quick easter egg hunt and then ended up at home for our Easter picnic. McKaylee helped me finish the Easter Egg Pinata by painting it very colorful. She did a great job! It was expertly put together because no one could break it. Josh even broke our most treasured, green, plastic bat trying to get it to open. We ended up kicking it. The kids expected candy but we had slips of paper with scriptures on it and things that represented the Savior (along with some marbles to add some weight) in it instead. Then after we discussed the reason we celebrate Easter we gave them a clue to go and find a bag of gummi lifesavers candy with a couple more scriptures explaining that Jesus is our lifesaver and he loves us. It was fun for me to put together so I hope every one else had fun. Thanks Josh and Margene for braving the Greenwood household once again. Josh, you still owe us another beautiful, plastic, green bat. hehe j/k 

Flu update: Jaxon got the flu for the normal 24-48 hrs after Aubrey. Then we had a break for a few days and so we thought it was over. Then, Eli came home from school the next thursday after Easter with red, goopy eyes and a fever. Then the next day both Eli and I were bed ridden because of chills, fever, ache and some congestion. It ended up lasting until the next thursday when we were finally able to send Eli to school and I went to the Dr.'s because mine turned into a sinus infection. I have decided that we ended up with the piglet flu, not quite the swine flu that everyone else it getting. ( haha bad joke, I know) It was the worst flu I have ever had! I am glad it is over for awhile, hopefully!
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