I am sorry for those who have been faithful in checking out our blog and haven't been able to see anything new. There have been a lot of things that have happened since Dan came to visit us. This blog will be to catch you up on some of those things.
Mom, Beth and her kids came to visit us to give me an, "I'm going insane, break." Thanks guys! They got to scope out the town. Hope they come back to check out some country shows. There's a lot going on.
Kim and Tommy (cousin from Norway) came to visit and we went and saw Carrie Underwood being inducted into the Grande Ole Opry. We also went to Memphis for a couple days to check out Elvis. We were "all shook up." (hehe no pun intended)
We have not sold our townhome because the market is so bad, or because the appraiser appraised it for $40,000 less than what we owe. Now we are renting it out. We have found a renter and he moves in this weekend. Yeah!!!!!
James has a new calling as Nursery Coordinator. He hopes he can always find the subs he needs so he doesn't have to go into nursery. Did I mention that all our kids are in nursery and primary now? James and I just look at each other in Sunday School wondering if we should hold hands or not. He is so cute I have to hold hands with him, if we get a chance.
I too, have received a new calling which has almost made several people faint with shock but they are recovering. My new calling is Ward Relief Society President. It keeps me busy all the time. James keeps busy watching his children while I go do a lot of visits and meetings. He is such a sport.
Aubrey turned 4 (I know that happened several months ago but I am catching you up). She started dance class this last monday and she looks so cute in her dance clothes. She still keeps us busy and always wants someone to play with and she wants to live at the pool.
Eli is doing great. He is picking up on his therapy really well and is sitting to complete activities without screaming. He will listen to books (small ones), he does puzzles, and he will even listen to some one step directions. I told him to go get his sippy cup the other day and he went and looked in the diaper bag but couldn't find it, and then he went to the family room and found it. He then brought it to me. James and I cheered so loud. We were so excited. Our only problem is when we transition to different things when we aren't at home. We are working on that.
Jaxon thinks he is so big. He has learned the word mine, down, and No. You know what that means. "Trouble!" He is the only one that can get away with stealing stuff from Eli. He loves to play with Eli and loves to throw tantrums. We are hoping he gets out of that phase soon. We love you all and I will post some pictures after this so you can see how much we've grown. xoxoxo